Technical Manuals

Application form

What is a Technical Manual ?

The technical manual (user manual) is a document compiled by the manufacturer of the machine and / or tool, which provides information on the safe operation and repair of a specific series and model of tool / machine. Our services are based on instructions for the safe use and repair of machinery, work equipment and work equipment for your employees, based on the machinery and equipment operating manuals used during the construction process. Compilation of this instruction and provision of information to employees is one of the obligations of the employer (Organic Law of Georgia on Labor Safety, Article 5, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph "b"). However, if the employer does not have a document provided by the manufacturer or such a document is not translated, we offer to find the technical manual of the device and translate it into Georgian.

Translation services

Fill in all the required fields in the application form and click submit. After receiving the document, we will calculate the cost of our services. The cost of the service depends on the following factors: 1. Volume of the text 2. Do you want a translation of the document and its notarization. After calculating the price, our offer will be sent to the e-mail address specified by you, taking into account the price and term of the service.